“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King

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Reading is good, it makes you smarter, everyone knows it, right?
No, it is not. It’s just happened that ‘everyone’ is wrong again.
People tend to simplify things, and there is a sound reason for that — it is much easier to live if everything around you is categorised and labelled.
This is good. This is healthy.
This is black. This is white.
However, the world is rarely a place where everything can be categorised.
The same with reading — the process itself is nothing more than a way of consuming information.
All of as pretend to be successful or aim to that. So, what is success?
This is to live the wisdom you have gathered throughout all these years.
To put this wisdom into the reality. But how we gather wisdom?
This is our knowledge and experience, but not only.
The way we realize and implement these items determine us as successful of not.
So, how do books help us? By them we can not only experience someone else lives, but also can help us understand better our own one.
Book is a great adventure. Book is a new experience. Even a new book sometimes is a new chance. It shows you new perspectives. A great book can change your life in a great way. Everyone has his or her favorite book. Everyone has ever experienced the influence of a book.
But there is a great variety of books. There are so many genres. The list of books is endless. There are so many literature genres. The information is enormous. Picking the right book sometimes is not an easy task.
So, here is the list of books and different types of writing genres. Hope you will find the best book.
1. Action and Adventure Books

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Action books are often very heavy on the plot with danger pulling the story forward, leaving readers on the edge of their seat desperate to know what happens next.
Elements of risk and surprise are key factors in action stories.
The events that trigger the action or danger are typically outside the protagonist’s day to day life.
Often, at the end of the story, the hero or heroine is never the same.
With action novels, readers quickly turn the pages – often reading these novels in a single setting.
In a series, there is often an overall arc that ties all the books together, even though the primary plot of the book is resolved.
Actions books are perfect escapism reads; this type of story rarely happens in real life.
Readers like rooting for the underdogs.
Often times these teen characters go against supposedly smarter more savvy adults and yet, they are victorious in their quest. It’s hard not to root for the underdog.
2. Anthology

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Anthologies are compilations of many different works.
For example, you could purchase an anthology containing all of the works of Shakespeare.
In addition to the actual works, there will also usually be background information about the time period or the writer.
Some of them will include critical discourses in the back, although they do not always have to.
3. Art Books

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Art books are made for a variety of reasons.
They are often created to make art that is interactive, portable, movable and easily shared.
Many artists books challenge the conventional book format and become sculptural objects.
They may be created in order to make art accessible to people outside of the formal contexts of galleries or museums.
4. Biography Books

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The is a great list of benefits while reading biographies of interesting people.
Biographies help you learn from other people’s mistakes.
The character in such kind of books is a real person, all situations took place in our real world. And everything that happened to the character could happen to you in one way or another.
Every person is unique, dealing with unique set of problems and getting into unique situations.
Surely it relates to people about whom books are being written.
Unlike different fiction bestsellers with stories similar to each other, knowledge you get reading a biography is unique and impossible to be discovered anywhere else.
And what is crucial while reading Biographies, you understand cause and effect relationships that rule in our world.
Sometimes people think that what eventually happens to them is completely random and unpredictable.
So, this type of genre helps you learn from someone else experience.
5. Book review

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A book review is a thorough description, critical analysis, and/or evaluation of the writing.
The review is a comparative analysis examining two or more books that focus on the manner of writing.
For course assignments, most professors will want you to write this type of review.
6. Chick Lit Books

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“Chick” is American slang for a young woman, and “lit” is a shortened form of the word “literature”.
Chick lit scholars note that the term was first used ironically in 1995.
Chick lit typically features a female protagonist whose womanhood is heavily thematized in the plot.
Though most often set in a contemporary world. The issues dealt with are often more serious than consumerism.
The somewhat strict genre rules of chick lit make it difficult for these authors to branch into different genres, although chick lit can tie into historical fiction.
Some female authors take steps to avoid having their work labeled as chick lit.
7. Children’s Literature

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The genre encompasses a wide range of works, including acknowledged classics of world literature, picture books and easy-to-read stories written exclusively for children, and fairy tales, lullabies, fables, folk songs, and other primarily orally transmitted materials.
8. Comic Books

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A comic book is a magazine that contains stories told in pictures.
The first true comic books were marketed in 1933 as giveaway advertising premiums.
By 1935 reprints of newspaper strips and books with original stories.
Women have soap opera, men have comic books.
This is how we can explain briefly what is a comic book.
9. Coming of age Books

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A coming-of-age is a genre that focuses on psychological and moral growth of a main character who is growing from youth to adulthood.
Personal growth is the most important characteristic in this genre.
It relies on emotional responses and dialogue rather than action.
10. Cookbooks

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Cook book containing recipes and other information about the preparation and cooking of food.
Everyone will agree that this type of a book is something that you must have.
Cook books are practical in usage. Just follow the steps in the recipe and enjoy you have cooked.
11. Crime Books

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Crime fiction is one of the fastest growing genres in literature.
Crime fiction is a genre of literature that novelizes crimes and criminals.
Much of what makes this genre so stimulating is the mental battle that ensues between writer and reader.
As the writer reveals clues and works through the crime’s mystery, readers try to solve it for themselves before the criminal is revealed at the end of the story.
12. Diary Books

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A diary is a book which has a separate space for each day of the year.
You use a diary to write down things you plan to do, or to record what happens in your life day by day.
Diary book is a must have book just because it gives you a personal space where you can lead a conversation with yourself. Sometimes it is very creative because when you write down your thoughts it is easier to understand yourself.
Understanding yourself is the key to grow up, to determine your priorities, and then to follow them step by step.
13. Dictionary

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A dictionary, sometimes known as a wordbook, is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographic languages), which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc.
14. Drama Books

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Drama is the genre of literature that’s subject for compositions is dramatic art in the way it is represented.
This genre is stories composed in verse or prose, usually for theatrical performance, where conflicts and emotion are expressed through dialogue and action.
15. Encyclopedia

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Encyclopedia is a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.
Such kind of books are a great idea of a present for a friend no matter how old is.
It is also a book that you must have. You can spend a great time while reading it.
There is no useless information as it is used to say.
16. Fairytale

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A fairy tale is a story about magic and legendary deeds.
There is no person I believe that has never read a fairy tale.
This books remind us about our childhood.
They are a crucial part of our growing process.
Fairytales keep our most precious memories of a night cozy atmosphere and the worm voice of our mothers.
They sparkle our love to books.
17. Fantasy Books

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Fantasy fiction is a genre of writing in which the plot could not happen in real life.
Often, the plot involves magic or witchcraft and takes place on another planet or in another — undiscovered — dimension of this world.
Most often the overall theme of the setting is medieval in tone, meaning that some combination of the architecture, clothing, language, and technology resembles the European Middle Ages.
Many times, the plot also involves mythical creatures or talking animals and witches or sorcerers.
18. Graphic Novels

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Graphic novels are a format, not a genre.
They are narratives, told in comic book style.
They are published as a book, as opposed to a collection of comic strips which have been previously published as a periodical serial.
19. Guide

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A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something.
A guide is someone who shows tourists around places such as museums or cities.
It is also such sort of a book that has a practical usages.
You can do almost everything or visit every place if find the right information that is given in a guide.
20. Health Books

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What’s the best definition for the health genre?
Books in the health nonfiction genre are about the health and function of the human body.
The books in this genre talk about the function of the body and practices, foods, and medicines that improve them.
They can also talk about what could be wrong and why.
Books in the health genre are often written by health care professionals, like doctors.
21. Historical Fiction Books

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As to what defines historical fiction there are two important criteria.
Firstly the novelist has to rely on something other than his or her memory – the chosen period is far enough back in time to necessitate research.
Secondly, the novel traditionally deals with significant historical events, like the French Revolution or the Jacobite Rebellion.
Hilary Mantel takes the formula to its logical extreme, in that Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies include only events and names that can be historically verified.
So historical fiction is a distinct genre?
Some novelists suggest that it can be compared to other genres like fantasy, because it’s dealing with something other than the here and now.
22. History Books

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Books are either fiction or non-fiction.
Non-fiction books contain factual information, such as biographies and history books.
History is where all ideas come from and propagate into the future.
The world we live in now was built on-top of a history or culture and often ideas that were not accepted then are accepted later and eventually change the world.
So, while reading history books we can feel the past, that determines our future.
Re-experienced the past by history books you can get the precious knowledge that to implement successfully in the present.
23. Horror Books

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There are many definitions of “horror” and the genre one in literature generally has some sort of supernatural bent.
There is often violence, but the emphasis is on fear, not gore.
In the movies, sheer violence makes up a very definite sub-genre of horror – the slasher flick.
Many people are aware of these books and assume that all horror – including horrific novels – is simply about bloodshed.
A good horror novel may contain it, yes, but it is also – when well written – a novel as worthy of respect as those in any other genre, from thriller to historical to “literature,” which isn’t really a genre as much as an adjective that ought to be earned over time.
24. Math Books

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Reading a math book is different from reading other types of books and reading a math textbook is different from the traditional way students are taught to read textbooks in general.
25. Memoir Books

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As much as we adore fiction, a good memoir really has a huge emotional impact on the reader, because it has the benefit of being true.
The memoirists featured range from acclaimed poets to former slaves to humorists to rock stars.
They’re honest and raw, inviting you to chew on their own highly personal experiences as you meditate on your own.
They’re just filled with life.
26. Mystery Books

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Mysteries are all about cause and effect.
Recognizing a suspect’s motives is a big part of appreciating a mystery, and trying to figure out why a culprit did it keeps those pages turning.
Even the most hesitant readers will want to get to the end to see how the story unfolds.
27. Paranormal Romance

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Paranormal romance is a subgenre of both romantic fiction and speculative fiction.
Paranormal romance focuses on romantic love and includes elements beyond the range of scientific explanation, blending together themes from the speculative fiction genres of fantasy, science fiction, and horror.
28. Picture Books

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A picture book combines visual and verbal narratives in a book format, most often aimed at young children.
Picture books for children represent the first meeting with a book to them.
So, responsibility in creating such kind of books is great.
29. Poetry Books

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A picture book combines visual and verbal narratives in a book format, most often aimed at young children.
Picture books for children represent the first meeting with a book to them.
So, responsibility in creating such kind of books is great.
30. Political Thriller

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These political thrillers offer a glimpse into a complicated, nuanced, exciting and hopefully purely fictional-intrigues plaguing the most powerful people in the world.
31. Prayer Books

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Prayer book is a book that contains the forms of prayer regularly used in Christian worship, especially a Book of Common Prayer.
32. Religion Books

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A spiritual reading can be life-transforming in various ways.
And reading good books is one of the best investments one can make with time and money.
The eventual reality remains the same that spiritual awakening book has the power to heal and repair.
A spiritual reading can be life-transforming in various ways.
And reading good books is one of the best investments one can make with time and money.
33. Review Books

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The more reviews you secure, the more you attract attention to your book.
Readers tend to look for what they consider the best of the best and the reviews are a good indicator of the quality.
34. Romance Books

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Romance novels, in particular, have benefits not only on the body, but on minds and relationships, too.
After all, they’re all about relationships!
So the next time you’re looking for something to read, consider reaching for a steamy romance, and you just might find that you have a new favorite genre.
And the cool thing about them is that there are so many kinds — from hardboiled crime dramas to sweeping magical fantasies — that there’s a romance novel for every taste.
35. Satire Books

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Satires, in the most basic definition, are works making fun of some sort of person or institution.
Political satires are quite popular works.
Generally, they are written to make fun of something, but that does not mean that it has to be a hysterical type of humor.
The humor might be rather dark, and quite a number of times, it certainly is.
36. Science Books

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Any of us without the knowhow might be totally lost if it weren’t for the talented writer-scientists who take the time to pen popular science books about their respective fields.
Popular science is a protean genre spanning hundreds of topics, and this article tries to reflect that fact – we have books on neuroscience, books on genetics, books that blend neuroscience with memoir, books that blend genetics with memoir, books on the octopus, books on time and books on black holes.
37. Science Fiction Books

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The best science fiction and fantasy books aren’t just about amazing ideas, or huge vistas — they’re about people.
So part of the key to a really successful SF/fantasy book is to describe people in a memorable, cool fashion.
A good description of a character goes a long way to letting you get to know that person — but it’s a tricky business.
The best way to learn this challenging skill is by studying how others have pulled it off in the past.
38. Self Help Books

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A self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems.
There are many benefits for reading self-help books.
One of the biggest benefits is that you can get great insights and information from some of the greatest minds in the world.
Best of all, you can read it in the privacy of your own home.
You can take the books and read them at the café or even when you are waiting at the airport.
These books are relatively inexpensive, but with the right book, it has a mountain of knowledge that you can absorb.
You can pick the brain of some of the greatest thinkers and get advice on a subject without having to come up with the information yourself.
39. Short Story Books

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A short story is a literary work that tells a series of event in a specific setting.
These series of events are the product of the writer’s powerful mind and imagination.
They are the result of contemplations, and realizations done by the writer either during his gloomy or happy days.
Short stories are the outlet of the writer’s emotions.
It is through short stories that a writer directly or indirectly expresses his ideals, beliefs and opinions regarding issues that continually confronting the society.
Thus stories are written due to several purposes such as to inspire, to educate, to entertain and to provoke one’s emotions.
40. Suspense Books

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Suspense books keep readers reading it and not wanting to put it down.
But, suspense and conflict do not have to come from one dastardly event occurring right after another.
Suspense has all to do with the structure of the novel.
Relevant and even life-changing events, wrapped in their own form of suspense, must happen as part of a logical sequence of events.
41. Thriller Books

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Thriller: Stories to Keep You Up All Night.
By definition, if a thriller doesn’t thrill, it’s not doing its job.
With suspense and crime, with conspiracies and revenge, the thriller genre has been keeping audiences on their toes with tension and excitement for centuries.
When it comes to thrillers, many think of Alfred Hitchcock and his movies, like Psycho (1960).
42. Travel Books

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Travel book is a kind of a guide while you are travelling.
It contains information that will be useful for you.
Description of culture, nature, sightseeing…
43. True Crime Books

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True crime is a non-fiction literary genre in which the author examines an actual crime and details the actions of real people.
44. Young Adult Books

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The Young Adult (YA) fiction genre is a category aimed at teens, but many of the books have an adult following, as well.
New Adult stories are often geared toward young women readers, which causes some to lump it in with Romance or with Chick Lit — but the New Adult genre has conventions, which distinguish it both of those.