If you’re looking for something that represents a web of protection, consider the dreamcatcher. They’re a popular talisman and artists love to design them. Use our big list of dreamcatcher tattoo ideas to discover new ways to personalize your tattoo.

Dreamcatchers originated with Native American tribes of North America. Legend has it that a spider woman would weave a web that would catch negative thoughts, dreams, and energy from newborns.
As the tribe expanded, she couldn’t reach all the children, so women of the tribe would weave these dreamcatchers. Besides using it to catch bad dreams, they’ve come to represent transformation and protection from all types of negative energy.
As time went on, dreamcatchers were used by adults, too.
Traditionally, dreamcatchers are made by creating a hoop made from a willow branch. The hoop is wrapped in leather and represents the infinite universe.
String is woven through the hoop to make a web. Trinkets and beads dangle from leather pieces attached to the hoop. Feathers represent a ladder that allows positive energy and good dreams to reach the infant sleeping below the talisman.
1. Ankle Dream Catcher Tattoo

This tattoo is designed to look like an ankle bracelet. Simple designs work well on the ankle, since this is a painful area to get ink.
Blue turquoise beads are commonly used in dreamcatchers. You can choose other colors that have special meaning for you.
2. Arm Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design

The upper arm is a good area for a tattoo with a lot of detail. This dream catcher tattoo stands out because of the detailed beadwork and medallion.
The wolf symbolizes strength, spiritual protection, and loyalty.
3. Arm Dreamcatcher Tattoos

The rose is commonly seen as beauty.
Using it in combination with the all-seeing eye, this can be interpreted as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
4. Arm Floral Dreamcatcher Tattoo Ideas

The protective properties of a dreamcatcher often extend beyond dreams. They can symbolize protection for family members.
This could be the meaning of the three flowers in this tattoo.
5. Back Dream Catcher Tattoo Design

Your back will work for a large dream catcher.
Like the upper arm, the back is used for tattoos that have a lot of detail.
6. Beautiful Color Dream Catcher Thigh Piece

This is a rich, colorful traditional dream catcher.
The hoop, spider web, and feathers all work together to filter out negative thoughts and dreams.
7. Bird, Feather Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design

A set of three birds brings joy. This is a powerful symbol of optimism.
8. Black and Grey Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Thigh

Dream catchers are such powerful symbols, they convey protection no matter where they’re placed.
Artistic license was taken here. Since the hoop represents infinity, there’s no reason for a second hoop unless it has a personal meaning.
9. Colorful Arm Dream Catcher Tattoo

This artistic interpretation of a dream catcher breaks the rules beautifully.
The rose, heart-shaped jewels, and single line mandalas are not found on traditional dream catchers. They all have special meaning for the owner.
10. Colorful Dreamcatcher Tattoos

Purple feathers often symbolize transcendence.
The color works well with the turquoise blue.
11. Colorful Watercolor Dream Catcher Tattoo on the Side Back

Watercolor tattoos are a more recent trend in tattoos. They have a feminine flair.
This dream catcher looks like the smaller hoop could represent an extension of the larger hoop.
12. Cool Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Thigh

This large dreamcatcher has a web that looks like a mandala or lotus flower.
There’s nice coloring on the feathers.
13. Country Girl and Deer Dreamcatcher Tattoos

Here’s a feminine hunting tattoo.
The antlers are drawn to look like long fingernails. They have ruffled sleeves at the base.
14. Cute Thigh Dream Catcher Tattoo Design

This dreamcatcher has an English twist. An ornate cabochon replaces traditional beadwork.
The flower, feathers, and cabochon are all colored in a Victorian rose, which can represent everything from innocence to healing.
15. Dream Catcher Horse Tattoo

The feather next to the horse’s head could be a tribute to someone who has passed on or a spirit animal.
16. Dream Catcher Quote Tattoo Idea

This tattoo is a daily reminder to live in the moment and to dream big dreams.
17. Dream Catcher Tattoo Design with Soft Ice-Blue Feathers

This is a great melding of watercolor style and traditional line tattoos.
The calming turquoise blue feathers represent serenity.
18. Dream Catcher Tattoo for Women

Combining a wolf in a dream catcher creates a powerful talisman.
The dreamcatcher represents protection, and the wolf represents strength and loyalty.
19. Dreamcatcher Tattoo Behind the Ear

Dreamcatcher tattoos don’t have to be large.
Here’s an example of how a dreamcatcher can be a personal talisman.
20. Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design

Narcissus flowers can mean renewal or optimism.
It’s also the flower associated with December.
21. Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Back of Neck

This looks very traditional except for the spider web.
It’s more like a mandala or lotus flower.
22. Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Full Back

Full back tattoos make a powerful statement.
This type of line tattoo can be colored in at a later time.
23. Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Thigh

Roses often symbolize beauty and love.
This can be a romantic symbol or representing children as dreamcatchers originated with children.
24. Dreamcatcher Tattoos

Large tattoos usually have special meaning to the owner.
We can see this as a generational tattoo or representative of an extended family.
25. Dreamcatcher Tattoos on the Ankle

Feathers are how pleasant dreams are channeled in a dreamcatcher.
Two feathers here might have significant meaning to the owner.
26. Flower Dream Catcher Tattoo

The flower in this tattoo adds femininity to a dreamcatcher that strives to be more symbolic than realistic.
27. Forearm Dreamcatcher Tattoo

“Never a failure, always a lesson,” is a motto for many people, including celebrities, such as Rhianna.
It’s a simple reminder to learn from your mistakes while pursuing your dreams.
28. Full Back Dream Catcher Tattoos

This is a great example of a detailed feather design.
29. Heart Shape Dream Catcher Tattoo

White highlights are a beautiful addition to this tattoo.
The heart-shaped hoop shows a special love for dreams.
30. Horse Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Arm

A different idea for a horse dreamcatcher tattoo.
Horse tattoos can mean endurance, freedom, and grace.
31. Large Dreamcatcher Tattoo on the Thigh

The heart symbol in the middle of this detailed tattoo holds special meaning.
32. Mandala Dream Catcher Tattoo Design

A mandala in the middle of a dreamcatcher is a blend of two cultures. It’s a tasteful way to blend spiritual beliefs.
33. Owl Dream Catcher Tattoo Design

An owl can mean the wisdom of the universe is protecting the owner.
It can also mean the spirit of someone in the afterlife is watching over them.
34. Purple Feather Dream Catcher Tattoo Design

This dream catcher could be a talisman for filtering past mistakes and transformation.
35. Red Black Arm Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design

Red commonly represents love and passion. This tattoo is about following one’s dreams.
36. Side Back Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design

Floating feathers can symbolize dreams that have been lost.
37. Side Back Dreamcatcher Tattoos

“Memento mori, memento vivere,” is a reminder to celebrate every day of your life. There are subtle details in the top web. Y
ou can add symbols on the webbing or in the beads. Many beads and trinkets are added to traditional dreamcatchers.
38. Simple Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design on the Arm

Dreamcatchers on the forearms of women look better as a still piece instead of a windswept talisman.
39. Skull Dream Catcher Tattoo Designs

The heart, skull, and pentagram are all used in this dreamcatcher that may involve satanic worship.
40. Thigh Dreamcatcher Tattoo Idea

Dreamcatchers are often misrepresented from their original intention. Here’s a traditional dreamcatcher design.
41. Vintage Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design

This dreamcatcher also showcases a decorative cabochon that isn’t found on traditional dreamcatchers.
A loved one can be represented by their favorite piece of jewelry.
42. Vintage Dreamcatcher Tattoo Design on Side Back

The flowing style of dreamcatcher works well following the natural curve of the body. It’s a classic look with great shading.
43. Vintage Full Back Dream Catcher Tattoo Design

Here’s another feminine tattoo with the owner’s personal motto. The design could have been taken right from an antique book.
44. Watercolor Dream Catcher Tattoos

Beadwork and trinkets often have special meaning in an authentic dreamcatcher. Extra hoops can represent people, spirits, or different aspects of oneself.
45. Watercolor Dreamcatcher Tattoo

Blue lilies represent power and wealth. This tattoo, with its purple feathers, is meant to be transformative.
46. Wrist Dreamcatcher Tattoo

A dream of freedom is represented by the birds flying from the feather. The hoop as the ‘D’ is a clever design.